My Two Dogs

Hi Annie!

coaching notes and progress items

June 9th Notes

Great session Annie!
You’ve made huge strides in filling out your site content and learning the steps of optimization! 

Today we talked about the changes you’re making to make your site more user friendly and engaging:
  •  Site architecture. What pages and links will show up in the menu and on the page (and where.)
    I emailed you the editable chart for your use.
  • Keywords and Meta tags
  • Content flow. Remember to start with the all-important engagement and work down through services, trust factors, and then more info, including QAs, like a pyramid!
  • Calls to Action and making sure they show up in key places.

Up Next!

Going over your content draft with Tia. Some points to cover:
Marketing message integration

CTAs – both placement and wording

After that

Content review for SEO with Judy
Meta titles and description review with Judy

Design and rework with Bob

After launch

Post launch SEO website audit with Judy. Since your site is changing, we held off on this earlier. 

Long-term site amplification plan with Judy. This will be a plan that you can work at as time allows to really launch your site and business to success!

Thank you Annie!


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The Optimization Journey

Start Right

Envision your dream client and connect to them with keywords.

This area explores:
your dream client
your keywords
on-page SEO
places to connect

Site performance

Get tools and ensure your site is visible, fast, user friendly, and error free.

Visitors prefer a fast and effective site experience.
Test and adjust to make sure yours delivers.


Engage your visitor then guide them visually to their desired goal.

We dive into:
The visitor journey
effective images
Compelling calls to action

Amplify your reach

Grow your site authority in Search Engines and with your Dream Client.

Steadily build your site authority. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll see benefits and success!